CAROLINE: Since we were unable to attend the advanced screening of “Vantage Point” last week, I went to see it on my own dime. And despite the wretched reviews it’s gotten, I didn’t have a horrible time watching it. I mean, let’s not forget that it did make $24 million last weekend.
RYAN: I’m a little frustrated because the trailer was so good that I was dying to see this movie, but what I’m hearing from you and others I know who’ve seen it is that no one has liked it that much. My parents thought it was a waste of time, so now I’m thinking it’s not a must-see on the big screen.

RYAN: So it is bad.
CAROLINE: Given that it’s really slim pickings at the theater right now, I think you could do worse than this movie. By no means do you have to see it, but it has some decent action and hello, it’s got Jack from “Lost.” That’s enough for me.

CAROLINE: Dennis is almost the star of the movie, if there is one. Basically, this movie shows the same event – the attempted assassination of the president and then an explosion – happening from several different vantage points. And with each point of view, you learn more information. Apparently the people in the theater with me weren’t aware of this, because they either laughed nervously or jeered every time the scene was replayed from another vantage point.
RYAN: Ugh, that is so frustrating.
CAROLINE: I know. I hate dumb people at the movies.
RYAN: How are the effects?

RYAN: What’s your bottom line?
CAROLINE: If you’re in the mood for an action flick, check it out. There are a lot of crap movies out right now like “Be Kind Rewind” which was like nails on a chalkboard to me, so I’d recommend “Vantage Point” over that.
RYAN: Was it too long?
CAROLINE: It’s only 90 minutes, so no. And even though some people consider it a gimmicky movie, I kind of enjoyed the gimmick of seeing the same event from several different points of view. Each one had a tiny cliffhanger which would be resolved in a subsequent vantage point. So even though I can’t recommend it 100%, it’s certainly not the worst movie I’ve ever seen.
jackie March 2, 2008
agree. lovers, my favorite part of seeing this flick tonight was the making-of “made of honor” featurette before … can’t wait, seriously