July 30, 2015 in COMEDY

Vacation Review

Vacation PosterRYAN: It’s a very long-time-coming sequel to Chevy Chase Vacation movies and it’s also a reboot.  If there will be any sequels to this one remains to be seen, however, depending on box office.

CAROLINE: The original films are comedy classics at this point.  It was Chevy Chase at the peak of his career and they are much loved movies.  This one picks up with his son Rusty’s family.  How does it compare?

RYAN: That’s just the thing.  You must compare it.  The only real justification for rebooting this franchise is if you can do it better than the originals, you know?  And this is certainly not better than.  It’s not even as good as.

CAROLINE: That’s too bad.  I like Ed Helms and Christina Applegate.

RYAN: Me too.  And it really has everything going for it – except for the script.  There are many comedic moments, but after seeing such a great recent comedy like Trainwreck, this one just can’t hold a candle.

CAROLINE: Well they’re two very different brands of humor.  It’s hard to compare Chevy Chase to Amy Schumer.

RYAN: Yes they’re different but similar in the sense that they both are sexualized humor.

CAROLINE: That’s true.

RYAN: Amy’s is funnier and smarter whereas Chevy’s is grosser and more childish, while still really R-rated.

CAROLINE: I hear you.  How is the cast?

RYAN: They’re good.  I do like these actors.  And they are put in very trying situations.  Christina has the challenge of reacting to it and Ed has to see the optimism of it all.  But the kids are really great.  They have some situational humor as well but also a funny look at sibling rivalry.

CAROLINE: How great was it seeing Chevy and Beverly D’Angelo together again?

RYAN: 100% uneventful. It’s one of the greatest disappointments and wastes of opportunity ever in a movie.  I couldn’t believe how underused, poorly used, and lame they were in the film.  It’s tragic.


RYAN: When the original movies came out, sexy humor was more taboo than it is today and it takes more crossing the line to make the same point or get the same rise out of audiences.  So that’s why a movie like Trianwreck is so much better in comparison.  And then there’s also lots of poty and puke jokes in this that never impress me.

CAROLINE: Yeah I always find that terribly lazy as well.

RYAN: I did really enjoy the car they travel in and it’s still inherently funny to see people suffering while traveling because we can all relate to those nightmares.

CAROLINE: What about Leslie Mann?

RYAN: She and Chris Hemsworth were the scene stealers.  She plays the adult Audrey.  The movie should totally have followed them instead.  I loved their moments the most. And this is Thor in all his glory – use your imagination.

CAROLINE: I’m happy to.

RYAN: It’s cute, fun to revisit with them – but totally wait to catch it on cable someday.


Thanks For Viewing The Vacation Review