CAROLINE: “The Hangover” is a new bachelor party comedy from director Todd Phillip of “Old School” fame, and mercifully it doesn’t star Will Ferrell.
RYAN: [laughs’ Instead it’s got Bradley Cooper who’s much easier to look at.
CAROLINE: It co-stars Ed Helms who’s on “The Office” and a couple other guys you’ll recognize who aren’t super famous. It’s also got Heather Graham. Long time no see, honey!
RYAN: Seriously. What happened to her career? I really liked the guy who plays the groom, Justin Bartha, because he was Nic Cage’s assistant in the “National Treasure” movies. This is a bigger role for him, and it’s a really, really funny movie.
CAROLINE: I laughed a lot. It’s silly and certainly not a great movie by any means, but I didn’t care at all because I was too busy laughing.
RYAN: There were a couple offensive moments of gay humor that I could have done without. Hopefully, in time, that will happen less and less in movies. But putting the politics aside, it’s a very funny, well written, directed and edited movie. Some of the things that happen are almost as shocking as things you would see in a Sacha Baron Cohen movie.CAROLINE: The soundtrack is fab too; lots of great pop hits you’ll recognize. This movie is what it is and doesn’t aspire to be more, which is great. It’s just the story of a crazy time in Vegas and how the guys try to piece together what they did the night before. I love how the movie jumped back and forth in time. A lot of what happens to the guys is absurd, but a lot of it is totally believable too. The entire audience was howling with laughter.
RYAN: It was some of the loudest laughing I’ve ever heard at a screening. Some of the supporting roles were so hilarious too, like the crazy Asian guy.
CAROLINE: Yes, and I looooove Rachael Harris. She plays Ed Helms’s shrewish girlfriend.RYAN: There’s some great physical comedy too. There are a few dumb moments, but none of it is lame fart jokes. The humor never gets ridiculously dumb.
CAROLINE: It’s very R-rated, especially in the credit sequence, which I loved. It’s just a good old-fashioned comedy about drunken debauchery.
RYAN: It’s definitely a bro comedy but there are some romantic comedy elements in there too. It’s bookended by a wedding, and it covers a lot of relationship and friendship issues. It will appeal to both guys and girls.
CAROLINE: It’s a hilarious movie that I would definitely recommend to people who can handle raunchy humor and some boob shots. Bradley Cooper is hot and Ed Helms was so funny. The four guys had great chemistry and all worked really well together. I laughed a lot.
RYAN: I’m sure it’ll do really well at the box office. I’d recommend it too for a mature audience.