March 17, 2016 in COMEDY

The Bronze Review

The BronzeRYAN: This is a sassy, subversive indie comedy produced by the Duplass brothers and written by star Melissa Rauch and her husband, Winston. And you can really tell it is a fantastic showcase, written to the star’s strengths in comedic timing and delivery.

CAROLINE: Sounds interesting. I like Mark and Jay Duplass. They do unique work.

RYAN: Totally. And this film has a nouveau-Christopher Guest feeling to it. I wonder if any of it was improvised.

CAROLINE: Oh I love it! His comedies are always so great.

RYAN: The character work here is just as brilliant. From Melissa to Gary Cole, who plays her father – to even Sebastian Stan.

CAROLINE: It’s cool when funny actors work as a great ensemble of characters.

RYAN: Melissa really is amazing. She’s like a racier version of Anna Farris. And se pulls off the dirty comedy in a way that makes it funnier and more tolerable than if it were a dude in the role, you know?

CAROLINE: Yeah there’s something to that. Even though female driven comedies are here now, thanks to the Tina Feys and Melissa McCarthys of the world, they’re still young and fresh in comparison to what we’ve seen from men for decades.

RYAN: True – it’s due to good box office, we’re seeing more opportunities like this and Amy Schumer, etc… and I think they’re much more enjoyable than male-led comedies which feel so stale lately.

CAROLINE: Exactly. How’s the gymnastics?

RYAN: It’s not really a sports movie – it’s mostly focused on the story arc, but for all that it unfolds in a nice way, the characters are all very one-note, and it comes off as a feature length SNL sketch. I liked it but it’s not a must on the big screen.



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