CAROLINE: I was lucky enough to attend the premiere of The Bounty Hunter, which isn’t exactly a movie I was dying to see. But honey, a premiere is a premiere!
RYAN: Were Jenny Ani and Gerard Butler there?
CAROLINE: Of course! Though I’m not sure why either of them stayed on for the screening. Why would they want to suffer through this movie?
RYAN: I didn’t get to attend the premiere but I did go to a promotional screening, and I completely agree with you. This movie blows.
CAROLINE: Honestly, I was expecting it to suck so bad that I wouldn’t be able to tolerate it for five minutes; and it wasn’t that bad. I didn’t suffer. But it’s nothing that anyone needs to pay money to see.
RYAN: For starters, it’s way too long, it’s poorly written and the character development is ridonkulously bad. Every character is a caricature, like the thugs who are alternately cute, endearing and stupid.
CAROLINE: Plus Jennifer Aniston is way too old for this role. These characters should have been in their late 20s at the most. It was absurd to see her and Gerard carrying on like this.
RYAN: I actually didn’t find her too old for this; I think it was more a reflection of how poorly written the script is. I’d happily watch Jenny and Gerard in a rom com, but this one didn’t suit them. Plus the genre is confusing; it’s less rom com and more cop action/drama.
CAROLINE: True, and the romance parts are totally unconvincing. I didn’t dig their chemistry at all. But there are few supporting characters I enjoyed such as Christine Baranski as Jenny Ani’s bawdy mom.
RYAN: I loved her so much! She looked and behaved like a drag queen.
CAROLINE: Jason Sudeikis from SNL is in it too, but his role is painful. It’s another caricature – the lovelorn colleague – and it’s so over the top.
RYAN: It’s just a cheesy movie altogether. It was almost pandering. CAROLINE: They couldn’t get the humor right. Everything is a cliché, and I didn’t laugh once. And you know that I usually like this genre.
RYAN: And we both like these actors. But I don’t know why either of them said yes to this script when clearly you and I would have advised them against it.
CAROLINE: Well, you like Gerard Butler more than me. I think he looks like a chipmunk and doesn’t always have control of his American accent.
RYAN: You take that back!
CAROLINE: Meanwhilst, I just read that this is from the same director as Fool’s Gold, that wretched Kate Hudson/Matt McConaughey of a couple years ago.
RYAN: Honey, say no more. That was one of the worst films of 2008! And this movie is primed to be the second worst film of 2010, just behind Cop Out.
CAROLINE: I had very low expectations for this movie, and they were met. It’s not the worst movie I’ve ever seen but it’s lame and unfunny and totally beneath these two stars. I can’t recommend it even a little.
RYAN: I am so disappointed in this movie, mostly because I love these two actors. They made the movie only mildly palatable. I can’t imagine enjoying this even if you’re the kind of person who only sees a movie every couple of months. I know I’m being harsh… but I kinda like doing it. It’s just not a good movie.