December 29, 2011 in GENRES


RYAN: Hands down the best-looking animated film ever!

CAROLINE: Seriously?! That’s quite the remark.

RYAN: It just goes to show you – as amazing as animation has become today, in the hands of the right director, it can be taken to an even higher level. My favorite director, Robert Zemeckis, did The Polar Express and the animated Disney’s A Christmas Carol, but I’m sorry Bob… Spielberg just one upped you with Tintin.

CAROLINE: Wow. I never thought I’d hear you throw Zemeckis under the bus.

RYAN: I still love him. But this is truly something to behold. It’s not just the animation that’s wonderful, but it’s really the direction. The camera angles, zoom, movement… it looks like a live action film. And the skin and hair, something usually awkward in animation is much better in this too.

CAROLINE: It’s remarkable how the technology is just continuously improving.

RYAN: There’s been a lot of buzz around this movie and how it’s kinda Indiana Jonesy and I definitely see that since it’s an adventure movie but I also think it’s very true to the spirit of the Tintin comics. He’s a journo-sleuth. And I totally identify with him.

CAROLINE: [laughs’ Tintin?

RYAN: Well, he has a dog.

CAROLINE: That’s such a stretch! So is this the kind of animated film that’s good for all ages?

RYAN: Definitely. And not just because of the technical achievement but also because it’s an engaging story. I’ve read some reviews complaining that the story is a little thin and the characters lack dimension. While that may be a bit true, it doesn’t detract from the overall entertainment value of this movie.

CAROLINE: Well when it’s animated, it’s kind of like one whole big effect, but are there any stand-out moments?

RYAN: Several. There are some action scenes that are so good, they rival the best live action scenes I’ve ever seen. There’s one sequence that’s animated as though it’s real time and all one, continuous take and it’s just outstanding. That moment alone deserves the best animated Oscar.

CAROLINE: Ok, you’re convinced. I’ll still leave it to you.

RYAN: This is one I watched at home on DVD as a screener “for your consideration” but I enjoyed it so much, I actually went to the theater to pay and see again in 3D. It’s Spielberg. It’s Peter Jackson. It’s totally worth it.