CAROLINE: One of 2009’s most anticipated movies, “Terminator Salvation,” is finally here, and we’re totally on board. Nice work, McG!
RYAN: Seriously. We got to see some scenes from this movie a few months ago before all the effects were completed; and we’ve been drooling over its release ever since. I’m happy to report that the film does not disappoint. It’s incredible.
CAROLINE: The special effects really are amazing. I definitely liked the first hour of the movie best; it started flagging for me after that. I’m a chick, so I can handle only so much sci-fi. But some of the action sequences were so exciting, I was practically leaping out of my seat and yelling at the screen.
RYAN: I haven’t seen the previous Terminator movies, so –
CAROLINE: I’m sorry, what?
RYAN: This is the first Terminator movie I’ve seen.
CAROLINE: Are you serious? T2 was one of the seminal movies of the early ’90s! I am in shock.
RYAN: Well, now I might have to run out and rent the earlier ones. I have to imagine this one is much bigger and better though.
CAROLINE: Well, at the time, “Terminator 2” was huge and no one could believe the technology. So 18 years later, special effects have certainly improved, but I think T2 stands the test of time. This franchise really has a way of coming out with the coolest effects and the most amazing technology, and it’s great that this new one delivers.
RYAN: And as we all know, this one stars Christian Bale, who’s probably the biggest action star in the world right now.
CAROLINE: The real lead is Sam Worthington though.
RYAN: Oh, definitely. He has a much larger part, and the movie is really his story. Christian Bale annoyingly does his Batman voice throughout much of the film.
CAROLINE: He needs to stop doing that immediately before he becomes a graduate of the Ben Stiller School of Acting wherein you play the same character in every role you do. There’s no doubt that Christian Bale is a great actor; but after his tirade that was all over the internet, I kind of just think he’s a jerk.
RYAN: There were scenes in the movie where he yells and gets angry, and I was like, “I wonder if this was the scene where he blew up?” He had several really intense moments that could have led to the rant.
CAROLINE: Bryce Dallas Howard is also in this in a thankless role.
RYAN: She’s pregnant in it, but she doesn’t do much else.
CAROLINE: Yeah, I think it was a real pregnancy too. Moon Bloodgood plays the token hot chick, but she really didn’t have anything to do. I wasn’t sure what her purpose was other than having a sick bod.
RYAN: Exactly. People were actually laughing at it. Her perfectly tousled hair, falling in waves when her helmet came off; it was a little much. But co-star Anton Yelchin is having the best summer between this movie and “Star Trek.” We hated his Russian accent in “Star Trek” but he totally redeems himself here.
CAROLINE: 100%! He was amazing, as was the little black girl who played his sidekick. I was just so happy she wasn’t Willow Smith.
RYAN: [laughs’ Totally. Her character doesn’t speak, so maybe Willow Smith thought the role wasn’t meaty enough for her. I just want to congratulate McG, because after his “Charlie’s Angels” films, this is a really huge deal for him.
CAROLINE: The only bad thing about the movie was Common’s acting. People were laughing out loud.RYAN: This just in – he can’t act.
RYAN: It’s a must-see on the big screen. It’s a thrilling spectacle for the eyes and ears – a blockbuster with all the makings of one – plus a lot of heart.
CAROLINE: I don’t think anyone will be disappointed. It totally delivers with great action and effects. It’s a little apocalyptic, and I’m a little tired of seeing movies like that lately between “I Am Legend” and “Blindness” and the forthcoming “The Road.” I got a little tired of it all in the second hour, but I totally enjoyed the action parts. It’s a boy movie, for sure, but girls will like it too.
RYAN: I don’t like war movies, but I’ve realized I don’t mind a sci-fi war movie like this one. Don’t miss it!