June 28, 2006 in GENRES


RYAN: Thank you Betsy! I couldn’t be happier! We went to an advanced screening of the brand new “Superman Returns” in IMAX and 3-D!

CAROLINE: It’s your dream come true, Ry!

RYAN: It really is. First of all, I got you to go to an IMAX movie. And second of all, it was 3-D!!

CAROLINE: Yeah, I don’t really care about the 3-D stuff so much, but I’m glad you enjoyed it.

RYAN: But now, can’t you understand why it’s fun once in a while to see a movie on an IMAX screen?

CAROLINE: I think I would have enjoyed it just as much on the regular screen but the 3-D element was cooler than I expected, I have to admit.

RYAN: Well, I thought this movie was awesome!!

CAROLINE: Yeah, it was really fun. I mean, I’m not gonna have the same fawning reaction to a movie like this as I am to a movie like “The Lake House” but I totally enjoyed it. It was fun. And I’d like to say that Brandon Routh is hot with a capital B.R. And wow – his body!

RYAN: Yeah, there were men and women alike swooning audibly whenever he was onscreen.

CAROLINE: Let’s just say the Superman suit does him right. And I was impressed with his acting. He had some big shoes to fill and I really think he captured that sort of bumbling awkwardness about Clark Kent that Christopher Reeve had.

RYAN: He did, there were some interesting subtleties there but also, this wasn’t a very demanding role outside of looking the part.

CAROLINE: True. But I thought he did pay homage to Christopher Reeve nicely. Though my heart did do a little pitter pat in remembrance of our old Superman.

RYAN: Absolutely, I was right there with you.

CAROLINE: We miss you, Christopher Reeve!

RYAN: And this was a very romantic film. And there is great chemistry between Brandon and Kate Baywatch.

CAROLINE: (laughs) Did you love her? I thought she was merely passable.

RYAN: I thought her performance was fine but I cannot stand her hair in this movie. I think it looks ratty and disgusting.

CAROLINE: The color is terrible for her.

RYAN: Exactly, she looks like a poor man’s Natalie Portman. She’s way too thin and way too young-looking. She looked about fourteen years old and I just didn’t buy it that she would have a kid who was five.

CAROLINE: Btw, the kid looked seven or eight, but he was supposed to be five. She must have had him at nineteen ‘cos she looked way too young to be his mother.

RYAN: And I still don’t like the discoloration of her eyes.

CAROLINE: Yeah, it’s a little disconcerting that her eyes are two different colors.

RYAN: They put blue colored contacts in Superman’s eyes. You’d think they could have done it for her, given her a little eye fixer-upper.

CAROLINE: I think it gives her a mystical, witchay woman look. But Kevin Spacey much? He’s looking a little old and craggy.

RYAN: Yeah, well he is old and faggy.

CAROLINE: (laughs)

RYAN: And also really underused but a great scene stealer – Parker Posey.

CAROLINE: Oh my God, she was hilarious. She had maybe five or six lines but they were so funny and each delivery was so on the mark.

RYAN: She’s a woman who needs no lines, she just has this pout going throughout the whole movie and it’s HI-larious.

CAROLINE: I wanted Lois Lane to cut her son’s hair. In the vein of Kate Hudson’s kid, it was way too long.

RYAN: Yeah, there was something a little “Shining” redrum about that child.

CAROLINE: Danny…come play with us.

RYAN: The effects – wow. What a difference a decade or two makes because this compared to the first one? The special effects in this film were fabulous.

CAROLINE: Even just the flying, when he’s suspended in the air doing the Superman pose, it looks so amazing. I was thinking to myself, how did they do that?

RYAN: Green screen.

CAROLINE: Is he on wires?

RYAN: Yeah, green screen, wires and the fan blowing.

CAROLINE: I didn’t like his shoes, that was my only complaint.

RYAN: Oh really? I was thinking if they actually made shoes like that, I would buy them and wear them around Manhattan.

CAROLINE: They were a little Aquaman for me. Final thought?

RYAN: I thought it was absolutely outstanding. The Superman fans who have been waiting for this franchise to return are going to be in seventh heaven. I thought the performances were wonderful and I’m glad he’s back. I’m ready to see sequels.

CAROLINE: I’ll see anything if Brandon stars in it again.

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