RYAN: At long last, one of us has finally seen the Johnny Depp/Christian Bale collaboration, “Public Enemies,” and it wasn’t me. So tell us – how was it?
CAROLINE: I’m not one to think Johnny Depp is gorgeous; love his acting, but he’s a little pretty and high-cheekboned for me. Having said that, he’s so hot in this movie I almost didn’t know what to do with myself. Seeing him in a 1930s suit alone is worth the price of admission.
RYAN: I think you’re in the minority there; most people think he’s hot all the time. What is it about his look in this movie that you were so into?
CAROLINE: I think it was the haircut. The guys all had these supershort cuts that were a little floppy on the top, and it was so sexy. The costumes are phenomenal too. Johnny wears his suits very well.
RYAN: What about the movie itself?
CAROLINE: Honestly, I can see why it’s gotten mixed reviews. I really liked it, but it’s definitely too long and slow in parts. I got a little lost sometimes too. It’s hard to keep track of all the characters and what exactly is going on.
RYAN: LBH, honey, that could just be you.
CAROLINE: [laughs’ I know. But I swear it wasn’t; my fiancé Tom said the same thing.RYAN: Did Christian Bale’s sparkling personality come through in this role?
CAROLINE: [laughs’ He plays an FBI man intent on capturing Johnny Depp’s John Dillinger so he’s mostly just intense. He’s good, but the reason to see the movie is clearly Johnny. And the film is just gorgeous. It looks amazing, which is not surprising considering it’s directed by Michael Mann. And the way they captured the period is just awesome and Academy Award worthy.
RYAN: How’s Marion Cotillard as the love interest? I love her.CAROLINE: She’s good. She doesn’t have a huge part, but I loved the love story. Some of the lines Johnny says to her will knock your socks off. But the movie’s really just kind of a historical look at Dillinger and his bank robberies. Tom said he wanted more back story on Dillinger and why he did what he did. They couldn’t really go there because the movie’s well over two hours as it is, but I see what he was saying. It almost seems like they were just trying to show you an account of what the robberies and a slice of the ’30s without much exposition.
CAROLINE: I loved the shoot-outs and robbery scenes. The ending is especially great. But there’s a lot of heavy machine gun rat-a-tat sounds, so that can be a little jarring. In fact, I done went ahead and had a nightmare after seeing this movie that a girl I know got shot by a machine gun.
RYAN: Yikes. I’m still sorry I missed this one though.
CAROLINE: Well, it’s still in theaters. You just have to set aside nearly three hours and gear up for a lot of gunplay.
RYAN: I just might.
CAROLINE: I’m telling you, the love story is phenom. It makes you want to date a bank robber.
CAROLINE: It’s an Oscar caliber film in terms of its cinematography and costumes. Johnny is also great, as usual. I’d recommend it, but I can understand why it’s not for everyone. It’s pretty violent, and quite long and moody. It’s worth seeing on the big screen for how beautiful it is, but if you’re not into this story, you probably won’t care to see it.