April 4, 2008 in GENRES
Movie News!
CAROLINE: Can you believe this news about the Magnum P.I. movie?
RYAN: Well, it’s not confirmed… but it looks like our favorite shirtless actor, Matthew McConaughey, is in talks to reprise the Tom Selleck role of Magnum P.I. in the movie version. CAROLINE: Hollywood can’t get enough of these ’80s TV remakes. This is one I’d actually see though.
RYAN: Well, it’s not confirmed… but it looks like our favorite shirtless actor, Matthew McConaughey, is in talks to reprise the Tom Selleck role of Magnum P.I. in the movie version. CAROLINE: Hollywood can’t get enough of these ’80s TV remakes. This is one I’d actually see though.
RYAN: Totally! I know we love to pick on Matt McC, but how perfect would he be in this role?
CAROLINE: I can so see him with a big, bushy mustache in a bad Hawaiian shirt. RYAN: Tom Selleck was hot as Magnum… but in a hairy ’70s kind of way. Matt McConaughey will totally bring it into the new millennium. CAROLINE: Let’s hope he takes the part! I can’t imagine anyone better for it.RYAN: If only Amy Adams would play his love interest. Then all would be right with the world.