RYAN: This is going to be a noteworthy post simply because you actually attended a screening of an animated movie with me. Possibly your first of the year?
CAROLINE: Perhaps. I’ve really been avoiding the kids’ movies lately. I’m not sure why I made an exception for Megamind, which features the voice talents of Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill and Brad Pitt.
RYAN: And then there was the voice of the sidekick who we couldn’t figure out for the life of us. I thought it was Nathan Lane and you thought it was Tom Arnold. Turns out it was David Cross from TV’s Arrested Development.
CAROLINE: Luckily for me, Megamind was a very cute and enjoyable kids’ movie. I didn’t get bored, which is unusual for me with an animated film. But that could be partially due to my missing the first ten minutes of the movie due to a subway mishap, so I was only the in the theater for about 80 minutes.
RYAN: I’m sorry you missed the beginning; it was so fantastic. I liked learning the superheroes’ back stories. But I’m so glad you liked the movie! I thought it was a lot of fun too, and the animation is incredible.
CAROLINE: Seriously. The quality of animated movies these days is just beyond. This one is from DreamWorks Animation, it’s in 3D and it’s so high quality. Plus it’s got a fun story. I so much prefer Will Ferrell when I only have to hear him not see him.
RYAN: [laughs’ There are also some great one-liners in the movie for the adults, mostly from Tina Fey’s character. I thought it was a unique, clever superhero story.
CAROLINE: Totally. And even though what happens later in the movie can’t really be called a twist, I didn’t really see it coming and thought it was a nice message for the kids.
RYAN: Thematically, it’s very similar to the Broadway show Wicked…
CAROLINE: Must you equate everything with The Wizard of Oz?
RYAN: In this case, yes. You’ve got questions of good vs. evil, why does wickedness happen and can evil turn good in the end. I like all that stuff.
CAROLINE: The movie even made me giggle a couple times. It’s not hilarious, but it’s funny at times and has a very sweet ending.
RYAN: I think we’re really in the age of animated movies right now. Even Danny Boyle, who directed the upcoming 127 Hours, is saying he wants to do an animated movie next. I think Megamind is the best looking animated movie I’ve seen since Beowulf, and the 3D is just fantastic. I think 3D actually looks better in animated films than it does in live-action ones.
CAROLINE: As a typical hater of these kinds of movies, I was thoroughly entertained and I found the story very cute and the animation top-notch. I can’t even believe I’m saying it, but I think kids and adults alike will enjoy this movie. I really liked it, and that’s saying something.
RYAN: I’m so happy you’re saying this! I hope it encourages you to see more animated films in the near future. Needless to say, I really liked it too and I think it’s worth your money to see it on the big screen for the 3D.