February 20, 2015 in BIOPIC DRAMA

McFarland, USA Review

McfarlandRYAN: This is the latest sports movie based on a true story and starring Kevin Costner.

CAROLINE: It’s also produced by Disney, correct?

RYAN: It’s it’s among their PG, family-friendly, live action films.  And I have tell you I’m never excited going into a sports movie because I’m not into sports, but as films, they tend to turn emotional and rousing and you get so swept up into the heart of it but that never happened in this movie.

CAROLINE: That’s a big miss.  Was there even a climax?

RYAN: Yes but not suspenseful.  And the story is all over the place.  This movie is way too long; lengthened greatly by the several instrumental, montage transitions.  And the subplots totally lose focus of the main story.  It’s over two hours long and should have been strictly 90 minutes.

CAROLINE: That can be the kiss of death to a film, when it’s too long for it’s own good.

RYAN: It’s based on a true story, and what happens with this running team is impressive for sure, but it just didn’t turn out all that cinematic.  My expectations may be too high but because the story lacks the inspirational punch of better sports movies, this one falls flat.

CAROLINE: Is Kevin any good in it?

RYAN: He’s always strong.  He elevates the film somewhat.  He does look, however, like he packed on some pounds for it though.  And Maria Bello as his wife is fine but that woman has no backbone.  She’s a super passive wife.  I’m still just so bummed about the pacing; I mean, it took 40 minutes for something somewhat exciting to happen in the film.

CAROLINE: Jeez.  It sounds like a snoozer.

RYAN: There is a story arc and there is growth, but it feels like it would be better as a book or TV series.  It just didn’t work as a feature film.

CAROLINE: Thank you for saving me from wasting my time on this one.

RYAN: The last half hour, I actually checked my watch four times.  I’ve never done that before!


Thanks For Viewing The McFarland, USA Review

1 Comment

  1. Nathan February 23, 2015


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