November 3, 2011 in GENRES


RYAN: Once in a while a movie comes along that’s quite simply put as timely. Margin Call is one such film.

CAROLINE: Totally. It’s all about the stock market and what went down in 2008. And with Occupy Wall Street and such, it’s super relevant. I still want to see this movie – I’ve heard great things. What did you think of it?

RYAN: I was really looking forward to it because I love the cast…

CAROLINE: Hello! Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci, Jeremy Irons, Paul Bettany and the obligatory chick – this time courtesy of one Demi Moore.

RYAN: There’s also Simon Baker, Penn Badgley and recently out actor Zachary Quinto.

CAROLINE: I’m so proud of him.

RYAN: He was a producer on the film and had a sizable role, actually. He’s good in it. They’re all good.

CAROLINE: Who’s the best?

RYAN: Well Kevin’s character demanded the most from him, I believe. And he has a couple great speeches in it. He’s so good at that.

CAROLINE: He’s the best. I just rented Horrible Bosses and found him hysterical. Is anybody funny in it?

RYAN: No. There’s nothing really comedic. It’s drama and somewhat tense, but never terribly intense. They’re all basically unlikable characters so you don’t really care about them.


RYAN: It’s pretty slow moving and there’s a lot of Wall Street and financial jargon happening that I didn’t connect with. And if it had been, like, a quick-witted Aaron Sorkin screenplay, it could have been brilliant, but it was written and directed by a first time director who’s not as… quick.

CAROLINE: Yeah, that’s not usually a good sign.

RYAN: And Demi was really underused.

CAROLINE: I’m not surprised. It’s a man’s world.

RYAN: [laughs’ Although each actor who I like in this film has a moment, it’s really overall boring.


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