Jurassic World Review

Jurassic WorldRYAN: This is the fourth film in the Jurassic Park franchise, but it’s really more of a remake, or reboot, than a sequel.  It’s executive produced by Steven Spielberg, and I loved it for all the reasons I loved the first one.  It’s very similar.  It hits all of the same beats, in terms of the story. But it’s really updated.

CHUCK: This is coming out 22 years, almost exactly to the date, of the first one in 1993.  It is really a reboot/sequel.  The story takes place after the first one.

RYAN: But in so many ways it’s really the same story.  I’m not complaining, just have to call it out for what it is. And the moral remains the same – bringing back dinosaurs would be a disastrous mistake.

CHUCK: (laughs) Yes.  It’s like Jaws 2.

RYAN: I criticized all of the Hangover sequels for being the same movie – this is really the same movie, but bigger and badder – and unlike the Hangover films, it’s outstanding entertainment.  The first time you see the wide shot of the island and you hear that classic John Williams theme, it gives you goosebumps.  I was so excited at the start of this movie and the action really takes off much quicker in this one than even in the first film.


RYAN: And that feeling of awe remained, for me, throughout the entire movie.

CHUCK: It did for me too.  It’s a rightful follower to the original.  The first Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies.  I’ve seen it, like, 20 times.  It’s so brilliant!  The first one is really a thriller.  This one does up the ante for effects.  But I loved that in this one, like the original, they used some practical effects and puppet dinosaurs, in addition to the CGI.  It makes it all the more real.

RYAN: The casting is likable.  It’s so great to see Bryce Dallas Howard again.  She looks amazing and her character has such a terrific arc.  Those eyes are insane.  Plus, she could give Carrie Bradshaw a run for her money in those high heels.

CHUCK: I was a little worried about her at the beginning but her character really grew on me over the film.

RYAN: And Chris Pratt…

CHUCK: Can he please be in every movie?  He’s just great.

RYAN: I wouldn’t go that far. But I liked him in this.  Like in Guardians, he successfully pulls off the action hero with a bit of a wink to his performance.  He is a great leading man.

CHUCK: I can see why he’s being considered for the Indiana Jones reboot.

RYAN: And there are some brilliant twists and moments of quiet intensity and suspense where you’re gripping your armrest.  Short of smelling the dinosaurs breath, you feel like you’re in the middle of it all.  The 3D is good.

CHUCK: Yes the sound was amazing and I agree – short of smell-o-vision…  this was a 3D conversion.

RYAN: I think it was done better than most.

CHUCK:  You totally buy some of the crazy things happening in the movie because the effects are so good.

RYAN: This movie is different enough to be different than the original and it’s so great that I’m not faulting it, but the outline of the story is really very similar to the first one.

CHUCK: And just as enjoyable.  It’s wham, bam action.

RYAN: That new dinosaur is terrifying.  And you really become emotionally attached to some of the animals.

CHUCK: There’s also a little bit of commentary about animals kept in captivity, what it does to an animal and their welfare.

RYAN: That’s important.  I feel like I could sit through it again right away, or tomorrow.

CHUCK: I’d pay money to see it again.

RYAN: 100 percent.  Loved it.



Thanks For Viewing The Jurassic World Review

1 Comment

  1. Marc Baum June 12, 2015

    AGREE! Let’s all go see it again tomorrow! #JurassicworldIMAX !

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