RYAN: I feel like we just got off a roller coaster called “Journey to the Center of the Earth” – in 3D no less!
CAROLINE: It’s definitely an exciting movie. And it’s the first movie to be shot in digital 3D, which is apparently the wave of the future. But sadly, you’ve informed me that not everyone is going to get to see it in 3D.
RYAN: Yes, not every theater has the right projector to show a 3D movie. But it’s definitely worth seeking out the theater nearest you that has one because wow. It’s the first film using real d 3D technology, which NASA uses and surgeons use for operations; and now that it’s being used for movies, it’s going to revolutionize them.
CAROLINE: I can’t imagine not seeing this movie in 3D. The story is exciting on its own, but half the fun is seeing the stuff jump out at you. I’m sorry for people in remote areas with crappy movie theaters. They need to drive to a big town to get this movie in the full 3D experience.
RYAN: It really did amp up the excitement; but judging the film on its own merits, I think you could enjoy it without the 3D. I liked the story, I liked the adventure and the effects are amazing. There’s a great dinosaur moment…
CAROLINE: OMG it makes “Jurassic Park” look like a joke.
RYAN: And how hot is Brendan Fraser?
CAROLINE: He’s rawther attractive, and he gets to show off his buff arms halfway through the movie, which I enjoyed. It’s very much a family film in the story and the fantasy and implausibility of it all. I still liked it, but it’s definitely aimed at the younger set. I’m sure it’ll be a huge hit with the ‘tween set, especially those with an interest in science.
RYAN: It’s very loosely based on “Journey to the Center of the Earth” though it’s not really a film adaptation of the book. It’s more like a modern-day take on it. I loved how they took the main characters and put them right in the middle of the book’s action.
CAROLINE: It was fun while still a little bit educational. I definitely felt like I was learning something.
RYAN: You learn about different rock formations and volcanoes and stuff. But mainly it’s a fun adventure movie. Totally entertaining. I’ve seen it twice already.
CAROLINE: There are a few very convenient escape moments that were a little too far-fetched for me, but I’m trying to keep my “willing suspension of disbelief” intact because I know it’s a fantasy/sci-fi movie. It’s intent is to thrill, and it does. I gasped aloud several times, especially during the gratuitous but fun 3D moments like when tape measurer comes flying out at you.
RYAN: The 3D is so amazing that I flinched several times. You almost want to close your eyes because the stuff is so in your face.
CAROLINE: The special effects are beyond amazing.
RYAN: Well, it’s from a first-time director who’s an Academy Award-winning special effects guy.
CAROLINE: Clearly. Scene after scene, just when you thought it couldn’t get any cooler, it did. It’s a technical achievement for sure.
RYAN: It’s the first movie of its kind. And as we know, there are at least fifteen new 3D movies using this technology being planned already. Bottom line?
CAROLINE: This is a very cool movie that kids will love. Families and children are definitely the target audience, though I’m sure there will be some older sci-fi geeks who will enjoy it too. I’m not gonna recommend it to my circle of friends or anything, but I’m sure it’ll be a huge hit.
RYAN: Kids aside, this is a thrilling movie that anyone can enjoy, especially in 3D. It’s practically an historical movie event. If you’re at all curious to see it, you’ll love it. And of course, it’s a must-see on the big screen because once it comes to DVD, you won’t have the 3D aspect. I really recommend this movie, and Brendan Fraser is hot.
CAROLINE: I hear he has hair plugs, but I don’t care. He’s looking good.
RYAN: Coming soon – our interview with him where I actually make him blush.