July 24, 2014 in ACTION SCI FI / FANTASY

Hercules Review

HerculesRYAN: This movie comes just months after The Legend of Hercules and in the middle of the Game of Thrones popularity and stars the regularly bankable Dwayne The Rock Johnson, yet it’s an unfortunate film.

CAROLINE: I can’t say I’m surprised.  It looks like standard schlock fare.

RYAN: It starts off brilliantly. The effects are cool and the retelling of the Hercules mythology is the best part of the film, but then it quickly becomes what would be more aptly titled, “The Man Who Might Not Be Hercules” or “The Man They Called Hercules.” Because you really never know in this movie whether he’s actually Hercules or if it’s all just myth.  Technically, it’s not a Hercules movie.  It’s frustrating from that perspective.

CAROLINE: That’s just so odd.  I wonder why they went that route.

RYAN: Even more offensive is that the entire cast is either British, or speaking with a British accent, and then you have The Rock in the middle of it all doing his best Batman voice, in a distinctly American accent.  That’s not ok.  I let that stuff slide in some fantasy films but this can’t be explained in any even pseudo-logical way so that’s a major hit to this movie.

CAROLINE: How annoying.  So he’s not that good in this?

RYAN:  He really just does all his acting with his physique.  He’s otherwise pretty stoic and wooden.

CAROLINE: How’s the rest of the cast?

RYAN: Fine but stuck this is thin film.  Joseph Fiennes, John Hurt, Ian McShane… all good, just in a bad film.  No major highlights aside from the first 10 minutes. Then it’s just a Herculean red and his posse for hire.  And the score sounds really cheap, almost like stoke music thrown in there.  If you want some mind-numbing entertainment, fine.  But really, there are much better films out right now.  Or seek out this year’s better version – The Legend of Hercules.


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1 Comment

  1. Nathan July 25, 2014

    I had such high hopes for this too. I love mythology (espcially greek) and I’m a Rock fan…oh, maybe it will be good one day when I’m sick and have the better part of an entire bottle of Nyquil in me 🙂

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