RYAN: As one of the biggest Harry Potter fans, I am privileged to say we got to attend the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and interview the cast on the red carpet. And it was such a thrill!
CAROLINE: This is the 7th Harry Potter movie in the last nine years, and it’s the first of two movies that are based on the final book in the series. The final movie will come out in July 2011.
RYAN: One of the things fans were speculating about most is where the filmmakers would split the book for the two films. I’m happy to report they chose a terrific spot to end Part 1. It’s a terrific cliffhanger.
CAROLINE: I don’t remember the book at all, so that didn’t mean anything to me. I enjoyed this movie, but I have to say I prefer the movies that took place at Hogwarts. My favorite is still Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The drama in this new one was a little much for me. I like my Harry Potter more fun and light-hearted.
RYAN: This movie is amazingly intense. And I do remember the book well so nothing was really surprising to me like it was to you.
CAROLINE: That made it kind of fun, actually. I was shocked at some of the things that happened, even though I should have remembered them from the book. I totally gasped out loud several times. I really liked the beginning, but as it went on for well over two hours, I thought it got a little slow.
RYAN: I felt just the opposite… even though the movie is just shy of two-and-a-half hours, it felt like mere minutes to me. When it ended, I was actually disappointed. I could have easily sat there and watched two-and-a-half hours of Part 2. I can’t believe I have to wait 8 months!CAROLINE: I think it’s good you have something to look forward to. This movie is really all about Harry, Ron and Hermione and their quest to destroy Voldemort. I kind of missed the other characters and the hustle and bustle of Hogwarts. I like watching the kids learn magic. Now we’re in a new chapter, which is fine; I just didn’t like it as much.
RYAN: The school does feature prominently in this book, but we won’t get to it till Part 2 of the movie. I did miss seeing some of the smaller characters. Poor Neville Longbottom only has one line. But I think it’s cool to see Harry, Ron and Hermione using the magic they’ve learned at school out in the world to defend themselves.
CAROLINE: Every time there’s a close-up of Daniel Radcliffe, I can’t help but picture the little boy he was when these movies started! He’s so old now… albeit barely any taller.
RYAN: We’ve totally watched these actors grow up on screen, which I love. It’s a tight, amazing movie. The magic and the effects are brilliant. It should win the Oscar for effects. There’s great action sequence after great action sequence, and I was on pins and needles the whole time watching it play out.
CAROLINE: See, I thought the action scenes, although great, were few and far between. The movie dragged a little for me when it was just the three main characters strategizing on what they were going to do next. I was never bored; it just all felt a little slow.
RYAN: Ralph Fiennes has his biggest role yet in this installment, and it’s incredible seeing him play pure cruelty. I was so happy he had more screen time because his character is so deliciously evil.
CAROLINE: Speaking of which, Helena Bonham Carter is fab too. She plays evil so well. I loved her huge crazy curls. And can I just say how pleased I am at Warner Bros’ decision to not convert the movie to 3D? The movie was just as impactful in 2D.
RYAN: Definitely. That was a good creative choice. Nothing is worse than a poorly converted 3D movie. There’s also a phenomenal animated sequence of one of the stories from The Tales of Beedle the Bard that it so artfully done.
CAROLINE: I liked this movie and I will endorse any Harry Potter film because they’re so much fun. This one’s definitely more intense and therefore not my favorite, but only because of the subject matter that’s tied to the book. It’s very well made with a great cast and great effects, as always.
RYAN: Hands down, this is one of my favorite movies of the year, and probably my favorite of all the HP movies so far. It’s as perfect as an adaptation can be. Let’s be honest, I’ve already seen it four times, and I’m sure I’ll be seeing it in the theater again. I can’t do anything but recommend it.
Michael November 19, 2010
BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT REVIEW!!!!! I am literally aching to see this movie!!! Again Brilliant review!!!!
Ryan & Caroline November 19, 2010
Thanks so much Michael!! We really hope you love the movie as much as we did!! You rock!xx Ryan & Caroline
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