Getaway Review
RYAN: This is one of the worst movies of the year. It’s ridiculous. It’s an hour and twenty-five minutes of basically, just, a succession of Ethan Hawke and Selena Gomez in a car, being chased by police cars that crash behind them. There’s very little plot.
KIM: Let’s be honest, there’s no story. It’s just like watching an Indie 500 race. There are, like, two very minimal story devices that try to motivate their actions for being in the car, but it’s so thin and lame, it doesn’t constitute a story.
RYAN: It’s just this armored car on the road being chased by cop cars and they’re not even the bad guys. I’m actually offended by this movie – the way it was shot. It’s terrible. It looks like the entire film was shot on a cell phone. It’s blurry, shaky, very poor quality. This movie is a mess.
KIM: I can barely express how bad this was. The acting was awful. No plot; there was no script to do anything with.
KIM: It’s lame. I know Selena Gomez is trying to shake her Wizards of Waverly Place image.
RYAN: …but she did that already with Spring Breakers. She really didn’t need this one. She’s very pretty and I like some of her music but she has yet to impress me as an actress.
KIM: She wasn’t terrible but she should make better movie choices. You can tell she has so much potential but someone is just steering her career in a weird direction.
RYAN: She clearly just wanted to spend a few weeks alone in a car with Ethan Hawke.
KIM: It’s a sweet car though, very stylized.
RYAN: This flick is also completely implausible and ridiculous. So many people and pedestrians would have been killed and there would have been blood all over the place when he drove through the Christmas park and the ice rink; speaking of which, it was Christmas, weird time to release this movie.
KIM: It’s mildly derivative. Take the Fast and Furious movies – this one has an even worse plot. I actually the the Fast and Furious movies and some of the stuff in those are so implausible but you just go with it. I couldn’t suspend my disbelief even a little in this one though.
RYAN: I’m not a fan of the Fast and Furious franchise but there are at least some cool things on screen during those – unique chases and crashes. The scenes here are not only unoriginal, but they all look the same as the previous scene. It’s ridiculously stagnant.
KIM: It was, like, ten minutes of car chase, then ten minutes of talking in the car and repeat for the whole thing. It’s just this guy telling them to do these stupid things.
RYAN: There’s no climax. It’s a big let down and did you notice the shot at the end where it was nighttime and then suddenly in the next shot it was daytime? What the Hell was that!?
KIM: [laughs’ Yes! Crazy. That sunrise happened really fast.
RYAN: Do not waste your time or money.