CAROLINE: So I checked out the new movie, “Elegy,” starring Sir Ben Kingsley and Penelope Cruz, which is based on a Philip Roth novel.

CAROLINE: Well, it would have been nice to have you there to help distract me from my boredom.
RYAN: Ouch! Was it long and slow, or just plain old boring?
CAROLINE: Let me backtrack a little and say it’s very well made and well acted. Patricia Clarkson is also in it, and she’s fabulous as always. But it just wasn’t what I expected. I guess I didn’t realize that the whole movie is all about Ben and Penelope’s love affair.
RYAN: How’s their chemistry? That’s what really matters. Because I think there’s nothing hot about Ben Kingsley. He kinda makes me want to puke.

RYAN: He’s also short and bald.
CAROLINE: Exactly my point. And yet he’s bagging hot babes left and right in this movie. It’s an interesting film up to a point, but then I realized nothing else was going to happen other than him being madly in lust with Penelope Cruz. But there are some cool scenes with Ben Kingsley and Dennis Hopper, his best friend. And Peter Sarsgaard makes a brief appearance as his son.
RYAN: Cool. We like Maggie Gyllenhaal’s baby daddy.

RYAN: OMG you’re right! That is so worth noting. But I’m getting bored just hearing you talk about this movie. What’s your bottom line?
CAROLINE: It’s not a bad movie by any means, I just found it very slow. I didn’t buy Penelope Cruz’s attraction to Ben Kingsley even though he’s her professor so she’s mainly attracted to his intellect. There were some good scenes, but it really started to drag in the second half. If you’re a fan of these actors or Philip Roth though, you’ll probably enjoy it.
Maddie August 12, 2008
I heard this movie was amazing! I’m surprised it bored you but I’ll have to see for myself
Susan August 12, 2008
i’ve heard nothing but raves about this movie but it sounds dull to me too. Penelope cruz would not be dating Ben Kingsley in real life please!!