September 3, 2008 in GENRES


CAROLINE: Ryan, I must once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for seeing the latest spoof movie without me. You know how much I detest these films and you graciously go see them in my place. Tell me about “Disaster Movie.”

RYAN: I tend to like these parody movies, but “Disaster Movie” is not one of the best of them. I enjoyed only about 15% of it.

CAROLINE: That’s unusual for you. You have a high threshold for these movies, and you always say how much you love the spoofing of movies you’ve loved in the past and actual pop culture. So what’s different about this one?

RYAN: Look, I see these movies as cotton candy. They’re light and fluffy, and even if you’re not laughing out loud, they’re enjoyable and entertaining. But this one was just kinda bad. All the spoofs they did of major films like “10,000 B.C.” and “Cloverfield” and “Sex and the City: The Movie” were really lame and unfunny. The little bit that I found funny was the spoofing of actual people like Dr. Phil, Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse. The one movie spoof, which isn’t even a movie yet, that did work was “High School Musical.”

CAROLINE: What do you mean? There have been two “High School Musical” movies already.

RYAN: Yes, but those were made-for-TV movies. Since when are they spoofing those in this franchise?

CAROLINE: Very true.

RYAN: Anyway, it was a big musical number that was quite funny. I think I just love musicals so much that I couldn’t not like that scene. I wish they’d make a musical movie spoof and parody all the greatest movie musicals.

CAROLINE: Ooh, you should pitch that idea! It could be called “Musical Movie.”

RYAN: Maybe I’ll direct it.

CAROLINE: I have to ask about the “Sex and the City” bit though, because that was the one part of the trailer that I actually thought was funny. The girls were drag queens, no?

RYAN: Well, the only one in drag is Carrie; the others are all real girls. And everything you saw in the trailer is in the movie, nothing more. So it’s one of those, “I already saw the funniest moments in the trailer” kind of movies.

CAROLINE: Then let me reiterate how glad I am that I didn’t see this with you. Sounds like it was even worse than you expected.

RYAN: Definitely. Carmen Electra is in it only for a brief moment. Same with Kim Kardashian. The main story arc is from “Cloverfield,” and they were reaching so hard to link random moments together and it wasn’t working. It needed to be better organized. I’m willing to be lenient and easy with these movies, and it doesn’t take a lot for me to enjoy them. But this one just isn’t good.

CAROLINE: Bottom line?

RYAN: Skip it.

Thanks For Viewing The DISASTER MOVIE