March 19, 2010 in GENRES


RYAN: Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a new children’s film based on a very popular book.

CAROLINE: I have to thank you for going to see this without me. As it turned out, I was unable to attend the screening and I know you were dreading it too. How did it turn out?

RYAN: I was seriously not interested in this movie, even though I tend to like kids’ movies; but I just thought this one was going to bore me or wear thin the very dumbest humor possible. But I’m glad to report I can’t have been more wrong. And it’s not just that I had such low expectations. It’s actually a very clever and cute film.

CAROLINE: Is anyone famous in it?

RYAN: Some B-list actors. Steve Zahn plays the dad and Rachael Harris is the mom.

CAROLINE: [laughs’ Wow you’re being generous calling her a B-list actress. I love her though. I like both of them actually.

RYAN: Honestly, for what it is, for the story it’s working with, it’s really one of the best cast movies in a long time. Casting was pitch perfect and the roles among the young actors are very specific. But they thankfully never become cheesy. Zachary Gordon, who plays the lead kid, should have a career after this… if he doesn’t turn to drugs.

CAROLINE: [laughs’ Obviously I have no clue about this book. What’s the basic plot? Is he just a kid who gets beat up on?

RYAN: It’s about a boy who’s starting his first year of middle school and has major delusions of grandeur. But there’s a very good moral tale to it as well. And it’s not about bullying at all actually. It’s about friendship.

CAROLINE: That’s nice.

RYAN: There are a lot of great animated and fantasy moments when you’re in this kid’s diary that were very well translated to film. And then there’s the section where they’re putting on the school play which happens to be The Wizard of Oz.

CAROLINE: And you were in heaven.

RYAN: Best part ever.

CAROLINE: So basically parents who have to take their kids to this won’t be suffering.

RYAN: Right. And those make for the best family films, don’t they? When all ages can actually enjoy it.


RYAN: It’s clever, sweet and 90 minutes long. What more could you ask for? Not only is it a cute and decent story but it’s so well cast that it just comes off as a well-rounded, well made movie. I have to recommend.


Thanks For Viewing The DIARY OF A WIMPY KID

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