CAROLINE: Since we were unable to attend the advanced screening of “Vantage Point” last week, I went to see it on my own dime. And despite the wretched reviews it’s gotten, I didn’t have a horrible time watching it. I mean, let’s not forget that it did make $24 million last weekend. RYAN: I’m a ..


CAROLINE: “Charlie Bartlett” is an hilarious film with Robert Downey Jr., Hope Davis and my new favorite teen actress, Kat Dennings, who also played the daughter of Catherine Keener in “The 40-Year-Old Virgin.” RYAN: And, as you reminded me, she had a very memorable role on “Sex and the City” as a precocious bas mitzvah ..


RYAN: I had virtually zero interest in “Be Kind Rewind,” so thank you for seeing it without me. CAROLINE: For some reason, I was very interested in seeing it. Maybe it was because of director Michel Gondry. But now that I’ve seen it, words can’t even express my disappointment. RYAN: How come? CAROLINE: It’s just ..

New on DVD

RYAN: One of last year’s most visually stunning movies is out on DVD today. We saw “Beowulf” in 3-D IMAX and it was really amazing. CAROLINE: I don’t know that this will translate to DVD really well though. If you rent it, you better watch it on a big-ass TV to get the full effect. ..

Oscars 2008 Review

RYAN: What an underwhelming evening at Oscars #80! I feel like we just got a whole lotta nothing. CAROLINE: There were individual moments that I really liked, but as a whole it was definitely weak. RYAN: I miss the pizzazz. There was no show. Aside from Kristin Chenoweth. CAROLINE: I must say, she was great ..

Movie News!

CAROLINE: OMG we are dying! There’s a new, improved, much longer trailer for “Sex and the City” hitting the interweb. RYAN: It’s all too much! CAROLINE: It literally is. I feel like they reveal the whole plot in the trailer. I mean, can it really be that Big jilts Carrie at the altar, Charlotte gets ..


CAROLINE: I’d like to thank you for seeing “The Spiderwick Chronicles” without me since you know I can barely muster the patience for children’s movies these days. RYAN: I know you’d rather have a tooth pulled without Novocain than sit through a film based on a novel for kids. But I not only enjoy these ..

New on DVD

CAROLINE: So many movies come out on DVD today that it’s kind of remarkable. You’d think they’d save some of them up for a slow week. RYAN: Seriously. But there are some really good ones, starting with “Michael Clayton,” which got a surprising number of Oscar nominations this year. CAROLINE: It doesn’t have too many ..


RYAN: Sitting through “Step Up 2 The Streets” will likely go down as one of the most painful movie-going experiences of 2008. CAROLINE: Did this movie even pretend to be a sequel to “Step Up,” aside from the fact that Channing Tatum appears in the first five minutes? RYAN: Yes, it is a sequel. CAROLINE: ..


RYAN: I was truly anticipating the release of the sci-fi movie, “Jumper,” featuring Hayden Christensen of “Star Wars” sequels fame and a white-hot, white-haired Samuel L. Jackson. CAROLINE: I wasn’t all that psyched for it, but now that I’ve seen it, I’m on the bandwagon. It’s a really fun movie. RYAN: I might even go ..

Trailer Thursdays!

RYAN: I can hardly stand it! How do you spell a summer Blockbuster? CAROLINE: Um, B-L-O… RYAN: Hello! Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett! CAROLINE: The new Indiana Jones? RYAN: Bingo. Just released today. Here’s the trailer for the hotly anticipated Indy 4: Cheeky & Fresh Movie Reviews


RYAN: I think I smell another Oscar nomination for “Little Miss Sunshine,” Abigail Breslin. CAROLINE: [laughs’ Well she is really good in “Definitely, Maybe” as Ryan Reynolds’s daughter. She’s just so darn cute and precocious, but not in an annoying way. RYAN: She’s got weird make-up in this movie though. She almost looks Botoxed, but ..