RYAN: I knew very little about Machete when walking into the press screening for it and whoa! was I ever surprised! CAROLINE: Well it’s Robert Rodriguez. You kind of know you’re in for a Quentin Tarantino-esque film with him. RYAN: It is all that. I was kind of blown away by it. CAROLINE: Honey, I ..


RYAN: There’s a new George Clooney drama in town, The American, and I didn’t love it. CAROLINE: I’d call it more of a thriller, but without the thrills. I think maybe George just wanted to make this movie because it was largely shot in Italy, and he has a house there. RYAN: That and the ..


RYAN: I was really looking forward to getting scared during this movie because the trailer looks creepy and the poster is borderline terrifying. CAROLINE: Tell me that actress is a contortionist. RYAN: [laughs’ I think it’s effects but the girl does snap pretty well between innocence and devil-child. CAROLINE: Is this just another attempt at ..


RYAN: This is the new Matt Dillon cop drama with a cast of dudes and the girl from Avatar. CAROLINE: Her name is Zoe Saldana and I can’t believe she’s not even listed in the commercial or on the poster. RYAN: I know. But she has only, like, three lines so whatev. This movie is ..


RYAN: I went into this movie really hoping it would be fun. CAROLINE: And? RYAN: It has a couple moments, but overall it’s really cheesy. I didn’t laugh out loud at all. It suffers from the same problem than most of the Madea movies suffer from – which is that it can’t really pick a ..


CAROLINE: I can’t believe you actually paid the crazy high 3D ticket price to see this movie. RYAN: And I live to regret it. CAROLINE: Of course you do. What happened? RYAN: I was out with a friend and we just spontaneously decided to go. I hoped it would be fun, but I walked out ..


RYAN: Who loves a romantical comedy more than you and I? CAROLINE: No one. And one starring Jason Bateman is enough to make my toes curl. RYAN: [laughs’ In The Switch, he’s paired with Jennifer Aniston, and they have surprisingly great chemistry as you pointed out to me during the movie. CAROLINE: They really do, ..


CAROLINE: I don’t do family films so how did you like this movie? As I recall you loved the first one. RYAN: I did and this one is just as great. There’s something special about these movies. They’re almost in the same vein as Babe. CAROLINE: …which was nominated for best picture – a rarity ..


RYAN: I was originally into the idea of this movie as a timely spoof flick but I must have been under the wrong impression. CAROLINE: Why’s that? RYAN: I thought it would spoof a lot more vampire lore than just Twilight. CAROLINE: It’s a spoof of only one movie? RYAN: Well, the first two Twilight ..


RYAN: The boy movie to end all boy movies is finally out. And after viewing it I think it would have been more aptly titled Grumpy Old Men 2. CAROLINE: [laughs’ Is that so? RYAN: I’m telling you… the scenes between Mickey Rourke and Sly Stallone are a BPS, bad plastic surgery, face-off, pun intended.CAROLINE: ..


RYAN: I was really excited to see Eat Pray Love because of Julia Roberts as well as director Ryan Murphy, who we love because he’s the creator of TV’s Glee; so I’m sad to say that the movie sorely disappointed me. CAROLINE: I think I liked it a little bit better than you, but I ..


RYAN: I had literally zero interest in seeing the new movie, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. We’re not the target audience, and I just can’t take Micheal Cera in a romantic lead. I’m sorry. CAROLINE: Honey, no apologies necessary. He’s not a looker. I’m so over his emo boy, coming-of-age lovelorn characters. And the girls ..