Critics’ Choice Movie Awards 2012

RYAN: I had the most fun at this year’s Critic’s Choice Movie Awards! CAROLINE: I’m bummed I couldn’t attend it with you but I did look for you on TV. And aside from a few perturbing things it was generally a great show. RYAN: I love how it’s really like the Oscars, but in a ..


RYAN: I hope you’re sitting down because something has happened, quite unexpectedly. I really like a January release. CAROLINE: What?! How is that even possible? January and February are the no-man’s-land of film releases. RYAN: I know! It’s the bad movie season, but allow me to qualify – this is not a quality film by ..


CAROLINE: The latest Tom Cruise vehicle, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, is positively sizzling at the box office lately. And I totally see why. RYAN: When an action movie is great, there’s almost nothing better… maybe a great musical. CAROLINE: [laughs’ This is definitely one for the big screen. I didn’t see it in IMAX, ..


CAROLINE: The Artist is the black-and-while French silent movie that everyone’s talking about and is racking up awards and nominations left and right. That’s what happens when you have Harvey Weinstein behind your movie. RYAN: So true, politically anyway. I’d say I was as dubious as the next person going in to see this film. ..

Our Top 10 Favorites of 2011

RYAN: Happy New Year!! In the next few months we get to enjoy all the awards shows we love, including the one we vote for – The Critics’ Choice Movie Awards. CAROLINE: I’m so thrilled for you that you’re attending again this year. It’s truly a highlight in glamor. And statistically, as a part of ..


RYAN: You read the book and saw the Swedish version of this movie and I hadn’t so we can give both views on this one. I, for one, freaking loved it! CAROLINE: I did too. I think I liked this better than the Swedish one actually – the characterization of Lisbeth Salander was pitch perfect. ..


RYAN: Hands down the best-looking animated film ever! CAROLINE: Seriously?! That’s quite the remark. RYAN: It just goes to show you – as amazing as animation has become today, in the hands of the right director, it can be taken to an even higher level. My favorite director, Robert Zemeckis, did The Polar Express and ..


RYAN: It’s a very Spielberg holiday season what with two of his films coming out at the same time. Let’s start with the epic masterpiece that is War Horse. CAROLINE: I haven’t seen either of his new films but would really only see this one if push came to shove. RYAN: This is my favorite ..


CAROLINE: The Descendants was one of my most anticipated movies of the year, and I’m so thrilled to say it doesn’t disappoint. It stars Clooney and it’s from director Alexander Payne who hasn’t done a feature since Sideways. RYAN: It’s about time, Mr. Payne! I too, was excited for this movie and really liked it. ..


RYAN: I certainly loved the first film prior to this – what I hope to become a franchise. So I could barely wait for this sequel. CAROLINE: And…? RYAN: Loved it! It doesn’t surpass the first film but it’s as good a sequel as any can be, really. All the great things from the first ..

2012 Golden Globe Nominations

RYAN: It’s the most wonderful time of the year, people! And I’m not talking Christmas. The Golden Globes noms were announced this morning and there’s oh so much to discuss. Once again, I’m chagrined at the shutting out of the final Harry Potter film. CAROLINE: Honey, you must get over it. There are many other ..