RYAN: I was so eagerly anticipating Dan Radcliffe’s first post-Potter movie I could barely stand it. And I’m happy to report that 1. It’s a good film and 2. I didn’t sit and think, “That’s Harry Potter!” during the movie. CAROLINE: That’s excellent news. RYAN: I did think he’s awfully short a couple times, which ..


RYAN: This movie was so stupid! CAROLINE: Please, be blunt. RYAN: Really… It’s one of those movies that’s just frustrating to watch because it’s so bad. It stars Sara Paxton, who I’ve worked with and actually really like, and she’s fine but the script and editing was atrosh. And some of the “suspenseful” moments were ..


RYAN: I’m very impressed with this film considering it’s directed by Madonnna, who isn’t really popular among movie-going audiences. CAROLINE: Well acting and directing are two very different skill sets. RYAN: And she really proves herself as a director here. She also co-wrote the script with Alek Keshishian, the man who directed her phenomenal documentary ..

2012 SAG Awards

RYAN: You know, it’s such a delightful mix of high and low each year at the SAG Awards… the actors are all kinds of gawky but they clean up so nicely.CAROLINE: And it’s so self-congratulatory you can’t help but love how seriously they all take themselves and their work.RYAN: Well we live for their movies, ..


RYAN: I didn’t expect to say this at all but The Grey was a fun movie to see. CAROLINE: I’d normally be shocked but you’re not in the minority. It’s getting decently reviewed almost across the board. Tell me about it. RYAN: Well I have to immediately point out that it’s entirely bloody and grotesque ..


CAROLINE: I was eagerly anticipating Albert Nobbs after hearing about what a labor of love it was for Glenn Close to get it made. It came out in limited release last year and is now going wide. It’s kind of a strange little movie. RYAN: I don’t think it’s strange. It’s not what I expected, ..

2012 Oscars – And the Nominees Are…

CAROLINE: Oh, what a beautiful mornin’! The Oscar nominations are finally here!RYAN: ‘Tis a momentous occasion for us each year and this round is as exciting as I ever remember! CAROLINE: I set my DVR, as I do every year, for the occasion, and frantically scrawled down the names of the nominees and gasped with ..


RYAN: Director Stephen Daldry, the man who brought us Kate Winslet in The Reader, Nicole Kidman in The Hours and Billy Elliot, is now serving us this 9/11 weeper, thank you very much, Stephen. CAROLINE: It’s based on a book I never read, and what a weeper indeed. It’s almost one of those movies you ..


CAROLINE: When you hear Steven Soderbergh has a new movie out, you wonder, “Why on earth is it coming out in January? He’s Steven Soderbergh, an Oscar-winning writer/director, is he not?” And then you see Haywire, and your questions are answered. RYAN: It’s sad but true. I’m not the biggest fan but I certainly had ..


RYAN: I’m so over this movie before even beginning to talk about it. CAROLINE: Oh no. Why’s that? RYAN: Well for starters, there are a lot of war scenes. And I hate war as a genre and this is very violent and bloody; and then there’s the Shakespeare element. CAROLINE: But we can handle Shakespeare. ..

Red Carpet Video – 2012 Critics’ Choice Movie Awards

CAROLINE: You looked simply gorgeous on the red carpet at the CCMAs this year! RYAN: Thanks so much! I thought of you when picking out my tie – it’s your favorite color. CAROLINE: I love it! Thanks, honey. I would have really loved to join you but am glad your cousin Leah was able to ..

Live Review – 2012 Golden Globe Awards

RYAN: I had the time of m’life at the CCMAs but LBH, the The Golden Globes are even more fun because of 1) Ricky Gervais, 2) the glam is amped up quite a bit and 3) you make rice krispies treats! CAROLINE: [laughs’ Thanks. And the show is already beyond. I’m dying over the fashion ..