January 8, 2009 in GENRES


RYAN: I was equal parts looking forward to and disappointed in the premise of Adam Sandler’s new movie, “Bedtime Stories,” because it rips off the great book “Inkheart,” which is coincidentally coming out as a movie in two weeks.

CAROLINE: Starring Brendan Fraser, no less. Both movies seems like kids’ films to me, so I’m not super interested.

RYAN: “Bedtime Stories” is an overall delight. It’s got a very cute and clever story that’s both heartwarming and sentimental, as well as super fun. But at the end of the day – sorry, Adam Sandler – you’d never land Keri Russell.

CAROLINE: Ain’t that the truth. I love her. Is she so cute in this movie?

RYAN: Beyond. She plays a mermaid in one scene, and the fantasy of it all had me at “hello.”

CAROLINE: Does Courteney Cox as Adam Sandler’s sister even hold a candle?

RYAN: No. She plays such an uptight character that I was like, “Monica much?”

CAROLINE: She’s kind of a one-trick pony, let’s be honest; but a very pretty one.
How’s Adam Shankman’s direction of the film? You know I adore him. Almost enough to make me see this movie someday.

RYAN: You should. He even dips into his musical roots a la “Hairspray” in one scene. There’s a fabulous full-on musical number towards the end that the whole audience was bopping to.

CAROLINE: Was everyone really bopping… or was it just you?

RYAN: At least several of us were, I swear. Overall, the costumes and special effects were incredible. It’s a family film but it splits its time between romantic comedy, science-fiction, action, fantasy and Western.

CAROLINE: That’s a whole lotta genres. I just liked the raining gumballs scene from the trailer. How were the kids who play Adam Sandler’s niece and nephew?

RYAN: Adorable. And very good actors. There is also a great supporting cast. Richard Griffiths, who I love as Uncle Vernon in the Harry Potter films is in it. A painfully thin Guy Pearce proves he’s a great character actor with his role and after the movie my pal Kim mentioned Lucy Lawless who I didn’t even recognize in the film!

CAROLINE: I had no idea she was in it either.

RYAN: She’s reminiscent of Missi Pyle in this movie for some reason. And then there’s Russell Brand.

CAROLINE: The British comic who hosted last year’s MTV VMA Awards.

RYAN: Yes. He plays a confidant to Adam Sandler and he was pretty funny.


RYAN: This is absolutely a film that must be seen on the big screen, what with its surround sound, visual effects, and spirit. However, it’s a family film that’s very kid-friendly, so it’s certainly not a must-see for everyone. But it’s good for those of us, like myself, who remain young at heart.


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