CAROLINE: Lo and behold, fashion designer Tom Ford has directed a movie!
RYAN: What has the world come to? We’re used to music video and commercial directors breaking into to film, but this is kind of a new thing for a designer.
CAROLINE: Honestly, if I hadn’t seen this movie with mine own eyes, I might not have believed he was up to doing it. But his movie, “A Single Man,” starring Colin Firth is actually decent. Matthew Goode plays Colin’s lover, which I know you’ll enjoy.
RYAN: Ooh, I like both of them. And Colin Firth was just nominated for a Golden Globe for this!
CAROLINE: He’s definitely worthy. My beef with the film is that Tom seemed very preoccupied with the art direction rather than focusing on making a great movie. There are several unnecessary close-ups and slo-mo shots where he was clearly trying to be artsy. And once or twice, I was like, “You just put that scene in because you wanted to show the cool outfits.”
RYAN: So it’s nothing like “The Devil Wears Prada”?
CAROLINE: Ha, no. It’s a very slow movie about a day in the life of a British college professor living in 1960s America who has just lost his lover. It’s quite dramatic, especially since being gay back then was a total secret. Colin Firth does an amazing job. It’s beautifully shot at times, but at other times, I felt Tom Ford’s heavy-handed touch.
RYAN: I heard Colin lost weight for the role. How’s he looking?
CAROLINE: Fab! Apparently Tom Ford told him he was fat and he got himself to the gym pronto. Julianne Moore plays his best girlfriend and fellow ex-pat, but her English accent isn’t so hot.RYAN: Yikes. I thought she would have that down by now. How does she look?
CAROLINE: She looks great! She’s very freckly but that’s what you get with redheads.
RYAN: So is it really dramatic and exciting? Is it too long?
CAROLINE: Definitely not too long; I think it’s under an hour and forty minutes. It’s very dramatic; perhaps a little over-the-top at times. I could see how someone might find it very slow and even boring since not a lot happens. I wasn’t bored because Colin Firth totally engaged me, but I could see how someone might be. Especially straight men. Specifically, my husband.
RYAN: [laughs’ How’s the fashion?
CAROLINE: Very cool because it’s the ’60s. Colin’s character wears a lot of dapper suits. Julianne Moore gets to wear a fabulous dress and cool make-up.
RYAN: Did Tom Ford do the costume design?
CAROLINE: No, but he did write the script. It’s adapted from a book. Oh, and one last thing – it features the little kid from “About A Boy”; and let’s just say, he’s all grown up.
CAROLINE: It’s very artsy and indie so it definitely won’t be for everyone. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it going in; part of me was like, “Who does Tom Ford think he is directing a movie?” But I think he did a really good job. I liked the story a lot, and Colin Firth was incredible. It’s definitely a little overwrought and I think Tom Ford got caught up in making it look pretty. It’s not a truly great movie, but it’s a commendable first feature for sure.