Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation Review

Mission Impossible Rogue N PosterRYAN: It’s the fifth installment in the MI franchise with Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt and as we’ve come to expect with these movies, it’s excellent.  He is still brilliant in the action/thriller genre and runs like nobody’s business.

CAROLINE: Ha! Yes he’s really become iconic for his mad sprinting skills.

RYAN: And the story is amped up enough to welcome these characters back.  The stakes are very high and you feel the intensity and suspense.  It’s one of the most suspenseful movies of the year so far.  I feel like I actually gasped a few times and there were multiple times I would shift in my seat as though moving one way or the other would help him move in that direction.  So awesome.

CAROLINE: Very cool.  Sounds like a fun movie to watch.

RYAN: Definitely.  The stunts are so great.  That scene with him hanging off the plane is right at the start but there are many innovative action sequences.  It’s cool they come up with these things and even cooler how they make it look real.  The choreography in the stunts and fights is genius.

CAROLINE: Does it disturb you as much as it does me that Tom doesn’t seem to be aging?

RYAN: Absolutely.  He looks amazing!  And it doesn’t look like he’s had work done.  Is he just very lucky?  I always wonder if there are secret products in Hollywood that stars have access to that the rest of us don’t.

CAROLINE: Doubtful but he really doesn’t seem to age at all.  How’s the rest of the cast?

RYAN: It’s a great ensemble – Jeremy Renner, Ving Rhames, and Alec Baldwin – he’s cool in this.  And Simon Pegg is great in this one too.  He gets to be more than just the brainiac tech guy back at the office.

CAROLINE: He is good.  Who’s the girl?

RYAN: Rebecca Ferguson – she’s a Swedish actress and she’s beautiful and tough; well cast in this film.  There are some little gems of comedic relief too.  They’re very clever.

CAROLINE: What about the gadgetry?  Is it like James Bond?

RYAN: Ethan Hunt is an American type of James Bond.  The gadgetry is very digital and modern and some of the ideas there are very cool and sic-fi-like.

CAROLINE: I always liked these movies too.  Glad to know it’s another good one.

RYAN: It’s a smart, well built story with twists and everything you want in a new installment.  It’s slick, fast, stylish and cool.


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