2011 Academy Awards
RYAN: OK, it’s the biggest night of the year for us and all of Hollywood, and the night did not disappoint. There were so many highlights, and even enough low lights to keep us going all night.

CAROLINE: Honey, please that was a shoo-in. But before we go into the categories let’s get our best and worst dressed out of the way. My best dressed were Scarlett Johansson, Penelope Cruz and I kinda liked Reese Witherspoon’s dress even though she looked like I Dream of Jeannie with that hair.
RYAN: OMG I loooved Reese, hair and all! My best dressed is Annette Bening and worst is – I can’t believe I’m gonna say it – but Nicole Kidman. Seriously.CAROLINE: The dress was a little weird, but I thought she looked pretty from the waist up. But I know you love her, so that must be tough for you to admit.
RYAN: I’m also just thrilled beyond expectation with Anne Hathaway and James Franco. They’re both sharing moments of brilliance and I just abba-solutely loved Anne singing!
RYAN: She can do no wrong in my eyes. I actually felt bad for Mandy Moore. I love that song from Tangled, but she was so nervous she was barely breathing. And they truncated the song so I felt gypped.
CAROLINE: Gwyneth seemed incredibly nervous too. And that song from Country Strong is just so not worthy.
RYAN: She was so flat. And I’m not talking just about her singing.
CAROLINE: [laughs’ No big surprises in the major categories except for Best Director. I thought for sure that would go to David Fincher.
RYAN: But statistically, Best Picture and Director go hand in hand, so it was appropriate for Tom Hooper to win.
CAROLINE: I just hoped The Social Network would win more awards. Worst speech of the night clearly goes to Melissa Leo…what was she thinking, and more importantly, what was she wearing?
CAROLINE: Of course! And her fake dropping of the F-bomb?? So ridic. She had clearly planned that ahead. I’m a little over her right now, though she totally deserved the win.
CAROLINE: I heard James Franco’s singing was so atrocious that they had to pull one of the musical numbers. Or maybe he was just too high to sing. Ha- I’m just kidding. Not sure I buy into that “he’s high all the time” thing. Maybe he’s just weird. Or really tired.
CAROLINE: I couldn’t believe what an afterthought those poor kids were! The show ended and then they brought them onstage. And the song totally sounded pre-recorded. The kids were doing their best to sing along but you could tell it was canned.