October 17, 2014 in COMEDY DRAMA

St. Vincent Review

ST.V_OneSheet_FINALRYAN: This is the new dramedy starring Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy and Naomi Watts and a young Jaeden Lieberher who is such a little scene stealer!   I think he has a great career to look forward to.

ERIK: I was worried because a lot of the film rests on his shoulders and it all would have crumbled had he been a stereotypically bad child actor, but he did a convincingly good job.

RYAN: It’s a real dramedy where both the drama and the comedy peak.  And it opens with a great moment from Bill Murray.  This movie is really a showcase for him.  It actually allows each actor to really prove something – they each do something new and unpredictable from their careers.  Bill has played such variety and pushes himself again here.

ERIK: Early in the movie, I was concerned his character would be too cynical but I was wrong and you’re right, it is a dramedy – and as for the comedy aspects – there were several times where the whole theater lit up with laughter.  It was really funny.  It’s powerful.

RYAN: Melissa McCarthy – whom we are most conditioned to laugh at – really plays the most serious role.  She does have a couple lines that sort of bring down the house, but largely, it’s a dramatic, straight role for her which I’m sure she’s been dying to play.

ERIK: She is very funny.  I’ve found her grating in some of her broad comedies but in this movie she’s, again I want to say powerful.  It’s the first time I was impressed by her.

RYAN: And then Naomi Watts… love her!  She does such a killer Russian accent in this movie and she’s funny. It’s such a random role for her and I loved it.  I even wanted more with her.  And the pregnancy makeup was amazing.

ERIK: Yeah the bellybutton was a little distracting in her first scene.  I particularly liked that this movie doesn’t spell everything out for you with some relationships.  You have to keep watching to really understand what everyone means to each other and it was cool figuring that all out.

RYAN: I really enjoyed that aspect too.  It’s by writer/director Theodore Melfi and it’s really his first big movie.  I Like what he did. There are a lot of overhead shots looking straight down that were cool.

ERIK: It also has a really great soundtrack.

RYAN:  I’m surprised. I didn’t expect it to be as good as it is.  It’s actually one of my fave of the year so far.  It’s an intimate film that touches you.  I was teary at the end.  It’s thoroughly enjoyable.


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