July 11, 2014 in ACTION SCI FI / FANTASY

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Review

Dawn Planet Apes PosterRYAN: This is the sequel to the Planet of the Apes reboot, beginning with Rise of the… and this time around it actually feels like it’s an Ape planet.  The movie opens like a sorta monkey-Braveheart where they, alone, populate the earth and there are subtitles for the monkey-speak at which point I was thinking, “Wait – isn’t the whole point that they evolved in the last movie and started speaking English?”

CAROLINE: That is valid to consider; I haven’t seen these films, nor have I any desire to.  But how is it?  And how does it compare to the first one?

RYAN: I like it better than the first one even though that one had James Franco and Tom Felton in it, both whom I love.  But this one has such heightened stakes – it’s very Jurassic Park meets The Lion King.

CAROLINE: Well those are both great classics so that’s high praise, right?

RYAN: Yeah it really is cooler than I anticipated it to be.  For all that it’s primarily a movie with the CGI monkeys, it’s so real.  There’s not an effect that looks false or unnatural.  I was so impressed, visually, with this film.  And then the story is good too. It’s highly derivative and predictable, but still thoroughly entertaining.

CAROLINE: So how are there people in this?  Isn’t Kerri Russell in the trailer?

RYAN: Yes – the story goes there and I don’t like to do spoilers but it does turn into an all out battle between humans and apes, again, as would be predicted.

CAROLINE: Sorry you found it so predictable.  Did that make it boring?

RYAN: No because although there’s great familiarity within the story arcs, it’s still well done.  I think it will have much more impact on younger audiences who won’t pick up on its lack for freshness, but still – it’s a story that works on every level.

CAROLINE: How’s the rest of the cast and Andy Serkis?

RYAN: Andy is the man, apparently, to go to for these motion capture roles.  But as the head ape, he’s outstanding.  Love Gary Oldman, of course.  And Jason Clarke and Kerri Russell are both strong as well.  Kerri didn’t have to much to do.  She’s basically obligatory female casting.  But how nice for her to be in a major Summer blockbuster, right?

CAROLINE: Totally.  Remember when we met her and she told us she was obsessed with TV’s So You Think You Can Dance?

RYAN: (laughs) Yes!! She’s so friendly and cool.  I would have liked a bit more from her but this movie is really about the apes.

CAROLINE: How’s the 3D?

RYAN: It’s the kind you only notice in the beginning then the rest of the movie is, like, nothing.  It was unfortunate.

CAROLINE: When will they stop doing it unless it’s brilliant?  And we know it can be.

RYAN: Yeah that’s still very annoying to sit there with the glasses on for no good reason.  It’s a good Summer movie – great effects, good enough story and a fun time at the theater.


Thanks For Viewing The Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Review

1 Comment

  1. Nathan July 17, 2014

    I was on the fence when I heard this was coming out but I’ll see it now.

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