October 18, 2013 in HORROR

Carrie Review

CarrieRYAN: This is the remake of the 1976 horror classic, based on Stephen King’s first novel, which is really taking on an iconic staple of the horror genre.

CAROLINE: I never read the book and the original film, you know, is my scariest movie of all time.  I can’t believe they remade it.  How was it?

RYAN: It’s totally rad!  I like it so much better than the original.  I liked the original but it didn’t scare me the way it did you, aside from the fact that Piper Laurie as the mom was super creepy, and religious-crazed.  Then, of course she went on to play Aunt Em in 1985’s Return to Ozwhich really threw me for a loop.

CAROLINE: [laughs] In this new one it’s Julianne Moore as the mom.  How’d she do?

RYAN: OMG She’s brilliant. No make-up, religious zealotry in full effect.  She plays such a crazy, wicked character.  She’s the real monster in the movie, well, and the school bullies.

CAROLINE: Yeah it’s really timely that way, isn’t it?  Bullying has been around forever but has garnered a lot more attention and sympathy in recent years.  How does that theme play out?

RYAN: So well.  It’s aggravating because I remember being bullied and because of it, I found myself rooting for Carrie and the terror she brings down on them.  I wish every bullied kid could have a secret power of protection.

CAROLINE: Well maybe not to harm others.

RYAN: No of course; but the general idea of revenge here is intense.  And she’s just pushed to her breaking point.

CAROLINE: How is Chloe in the titular role?

RYAN: She’s nuanced and subtle.  The hair, makeup and costumes all work together with her performance.  It’s understated and then she takes some joy in honing her telekinetic skills.  It’s really a very different Carrie than Sissy Spacek’s.

CAROLINE: That’s refreshing.  It can’t be easy taking on an iconic role.

RYAN: No it must be intimidating and everyone’s gonna compare.  But I think this movie as a whole works much differently.  What was creepy and thrilling in the original all still plays really well in this one but then the changes and updates just enhance the story.  I really liked it.

CAROLINE: I’m glad.

RYAN: The thing is, it’s not really too scary.  It’s more sad than anything else.  It’s sad that Carrie experienced such a dreadful life and then, of course, we all know the ending, so that’s just sad too.  But it’s still bloody and creepy. It works well.  It’s like a sci fi thriller with a bucket of blood, so we call it horror.

CAROLINE: How was the blood?

RYAN: It’s perfect.  The direction is really good too.  Even the very first shot puts you on edge. And the sound mixing is outstanding.

CAROLINE: We love Judy Greer.  She plays the teacher, right?

RYAN: She’s fabulous and well-suited here because she makes you feel like she’s a teacher who might have been bullied, herself, and just gets it.

CAROLINE: I’m actually surprised you liked it this much.  It’s such a challenge overcoming an iconic classic.

RYAN: On it’s own, it’s a very strong work of great entertainment with a message and incredible details and performances.  It even makes me wanna read the novel – the original never inspired that in me before.

CAROLINE: Wow okay then.  I might not have the courage, like you, to see it in the theater but I must admit you’ve intrigued me quite a bit.

RYAN: Forget it’s a remake.  Most kids today never even saw the original anyway.  Do yourself a favor and leave any preconceived notions at the door and just enjoy it for what it is – a very good, new horror movie; maybe someday a classic in its own right.


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