April 16, 2014 in DRAMA

Heaven is for Real Review

Heavenis ForRealRYAN: This movie is based on a book which is an account of actual events for a family.  There are a lot of people who have been inspired by the story and already lots of buzz for the movie adaptation.

CAROLINE: Yeah I’ve seen some groups of people with high expectations – especially church groups.

RYAN: Yes it’s a super religious movie.  It begins with a preacher’s family and the spiritual growth and lessons they learn together – tragedy bringing them closer.

CAROLINE: It’s a nice premise. How did it turn out?

RYAN: It’s fine but the actual Heaven footage is a hard sell – which is a challenge for a movie like this because how do you not show it? But then if you do, how do you please everybody?

CAROLINE: Good point.  How’s the cast?

RYAN: The adults were all great. I mean it’s Greg Kinnear who has such range and can really do anything.  He’s so natural and good and his character really goes full circle in this movie.  And Kelly Reilly is good as his wife.  Plus there’s Thomas Hayden Church, pun intended – and Margo Martindale.

CAROLINE: (laughs) Not bad. What about the kids?

RYAN: Sadly they’re not good.  The little boy is adorable but this is his only acting experience and he just wasn’t really emotive.  I imagine the director just had to tell him how to say every line.  But he looks very sincere and cute.

CAROLINE: That’s too bad.  It’s a pivotal role.

RYAN: I did like that there’s a character who is a non-believer and raises some good questions for the movie to work through, which it does and that’s fulfilling.

CAROLINE: Ok cool.  What else?

RYAN: Well the score is a problem… it’s super melodic and stands out to the point of distraction from dialogue.

CAROLINE: Oh no! That’s terrible.  You’re not ever supposed to notice the score.

RYAN: Exactly.  An effective score is incognito but that was not the case here.  It all kinda feels like a Lifetime movie.

CAROLINE: A made for TV movie, huh?

RYAN: Yeah and not the HBO kind.  There are some drawn out moments of just watching people praying and it feels a bit invasive.

CAROLINE: That’s a bummer.  Well this will still really appeal to the spiritual set.

RYAN: Oh absolutely.  Very religious people will be delighted by this and for that target audience it’s good.  But for the general, it’s more of a rental.


Thanks For Viewing The Heaven is for Real Review

1 Comment

  1. Nathan April 17, 2014

    I think I’ll wait for it on Netflix………

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